Homework/Devoirs 6-2

Week of: April 6-10, 2020

Subjects taught to 6-2 by Mme Péloquin: français + sciences humaines

Daily Homework List:

  1. French Home Reading program: please continue to read in French daily while you are home. Students have brought a couple French books home to read while they are away from school. I also have onlined resources available on a blog post I wrote back in October.
  2. Homework lists and assignments will now be posted in EDSBY. Please check EDSBY 3x daily to remain updated.

* Students who miss class are expected to speak to the teacher and get caught up on their own time. Study hall is a helpful tool! Important assignments or note pages will be placed in your mailbox.*


These items are now overdue:

  • Costume du personnage: photo and summary in email format (was due March 26th)
  • Concours d’art oratoire: video submissions in shared OneDrive folder (was due March 26th)